Making it as a musician requires determination and persistence when other musicians have given up and taken other jobs. A daily commitment to practice routines, an eye for recognizing opportunity and the ability to book concerts and get paid for your work are just a few of the daily tasks musicians must complete. You must know how to promote your work and sell your services. When just starting out, finding a way to support yourself may be difficult, but there are many avenues to help provide a stable income while your fame as a musician rises.
Music has evolved through the centuries and undergone drastic changes. One of the most significant transitions was from the Baroque to the Classical period of music. In this paragraph, I will compare and contrast some of the main features of these two styles, such as ensembles, instrumentation, and counterpoint study. The Baroque and Classical periods of music have many similarities. While the style of music changed drastically, certain key elements remained the same between the two styles. Composers in the Classical period sought to simplify music and create clearly audible musical lines. In contrast, composers from the Baroque period were interested in creating complex and highly ornamented musical lines. The Baroque period occurs from approximately 1600 to 1750, and the Classical period extends from 1750 to 1820. Ensembles Ensembles are groups of musicians that perform together. Both the Baroque and the Classical period had similar types of ensembles, such as operas, orchestras, str...
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